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Sunday, October 25, 2009

My lord...Secretive nite~

Friday.23 oct 2009.
Today wake up...so moody...
yesterday nite talk with jie bout my friendship things...until 11++
she is rite...as fren never done things like that to hurt her best fren~
if she does once_
It would happen 2nd time...
but i still regret sendin the sms...

so this morning wake up early...
and the sun just spark!
damn hot...

and i cry when writin the note in FB...
and i call and wish it would rain now to wet myself n cool myself down...
and the next the rain really fall and the sun when bac home so immediately~
i am so so so happy and excited bout it...
NOw i onli realize that god always with me...

in the previous blog...i had written that i love rain very much...

THe rain comes just when i am moody..

on the night~ i felt so tired after the revision...
so felt asleep infront of the stereo~><"

JUst in minute to my sweet dream~
jie sms...ask to go yamcha=="
so i reply..i am sleepin..
the jie call straight away...when i am still enjoyin my sleep...i answer the call
..........du du du du .....dudu....she talk and i listen with my eye close~

straight away after finish the chat...i say ok..yamcha~
then i got a feelin that tonite will be the good night!
i felt callin and sms TK...
i know jie like to sing K...so i wan to make her happy..
but i just dun have the courage to ask~
so i just walk off..(mind walk off the surprise to jie)
then after our Night tea...I told jie..

that actually just now thinkin of TK~ becos the two abit same...
same situation sure can give advise or share somethin...

then i say we go long gai till ur mood good...
she also ok~
then we long long til TK house~

doesnt have HIS babe...
so we though of going TK place then go lo~
saw his BAbe dere~
so jie sms him~
then he call to join them~

at first i just think..
but the sense really crazy...

so we went dere~
lock down stares...
hermm...that person look drunk and unhappy!
but dun ask much...
_______________the rest is secret++_____________________
sorry ya~
it cant be share here only P&C...that nite is forgotten!^
like someone told me before~
dun share with others la~ later other will say....

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